Thursday, June 28, 2018

5. Woe to Those Who Crucify God Once Again

The Church of Almighty God|5. Woe to Those Who Crucify God Once Again
During the last days, God has been incarnated in China to work, and has expressed millions of words, conquering and saving a group of people with His word and ushering in the new age of judgment beginning with the house of God.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

32. In the past, I have so resisted and condemned Almighty God’s work and I have said blasphemous things; will God still save me?

32. In the past, I have so resisted and condemned Almighty God’s work and I have said blasphemous things; will God still save me?
The Answer from God’s Word:

During the time of God’s work of salvation, all those who can be saved will be saved to the utmost limit, none of them being discarded, as the purpose of God’s work is to save man.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Sighing of the Almighty (Selection)

The Church of Almighty God|The Sighing of the Almighty (Selection)
Mankind, who left the supply of life from the Almighty, does not know why they exist, and yet fears death.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Church Life Movie | "The Way of Human Conduct" | The Judgement of God Saved Me (English Dubbed)

The Church of Almighty God|Church Life Movie | "The Way of Human Conduct" | The Judgement of God Saved Me (English Dubbed)

Church Life Movie | "The Way of Human Conduct" | The Judgement of God Saved Me (English Dubbed)
Since a young age, Cheng Jianguang's parents and teachers taught him that rules such as "Harmoniousness is a treasure, forbearance is a virtue," "Keeping silent on the faults of good friends makes for a long and good friendship," "Though you see wrong, it's best to say little" were the touchstones for maintaining good relationships with other people.

31. You have said that the Lord Jesus has already come, but we don’t believe it. We have had faith in the Lord for many years and have always toiled tirelessly for Him. When the Lord comes He should first reveal it to us. Since the Lord has not revealed it to us, that just shows us that He hasn’t returned. What is wrong with this belief?

The Church of Almighty God|31. You have said that the Lord Jesus has already come, but we don’t believe it. We have had faith in the Lord for many years and have always toiled tirelessly for Him. When the Lord comes He should first reveal it to us. Since the Lord has not revealed it to us, that just shows us that He hasn’t returned. What is wrong with this belief?
The Answer from God’s Word:

The work of God continues to advance, and though the purpose of His work remains unchanging, the means by which He works are constantly changing, and thereby so are those who follow God. … All men wish to gain God yet are unable to tolerate any changes in God’s work.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Best Christian Movie | Can Money Buy Happiness? | "Fortune and Misfortune" (English Dubbed)

The Church of Almighty God|Best Christian Movie | Can Money Buy Happiness? | "Fortune and Misfortune" (English Dubbed)
Best Christian Movie | Can Money Buy Happiness? | "Fortune and Misfortune" (English Dubbed)
Because she came from an impoverished family, from an early age Du Juan was determined to make a lot of money to live a better life.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Christian Movie "Deadly Ignorance" | Who Should We Listen to in Welcoming the Lord's Return

The Church of Almighty God|Christian Movie "Deadly Ignorance" | Who Should We Listen to in Welcoming the Lord's Return

Christian Movie "Deadly Ignorance" | Who Should We Listen to in Welcoming the Lord's Return
Zheng Mu'en is a co-worker at a Chinese Christian church in the US, has believed in the Lord for many years, and passionately works and expends for the Lord.

Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of God

The Church of Almighty God |Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of...