Wednesday, June 27, 2018

32. In the past, I have so resisted and condemned Almighty God’s work and I have said blasphemous things; will God still save me?

32. In the past, I have so resisted and condemned Almighty God’s work and I have said blasphemous things; will God still save me?
The Answer from God’s Word:

During the time of God’s work of salvation, all those who can be saved will be saved to the utmost limit, none of them being discarded, as the purpose of God’s work is to save man. All those who, during the time of God’s salvation of man, are unable to achieve a change in their disposition, all those who are unable to obey God completely, will all become objects for punishment. This stage of work—the work of words—opens up to man all of the ways and mysteries that they do not understand, so that man can understand the will of God and God’s requirements of man, so that they can have the conditions to put God’s words into practice and achieve changes in their disposition. God uses only words to do His work, and does not punish people because they are a little rebellious, because now is the time of the work of salvation. If everyone who is rebellious was punished, then no one would have the opportunity to be saved; they would all be punished and fall into Hades. The purpose of the words judging man is to allow them to know themselves and obey God; it is not for them to be punished by means of the judgment of words. During the time of the work of words, many people will expose their rebelliousness and defiance, and they will expose their disobedience toward the incarnate God. But He will not punish all these people because of this, instead He will only cast aside those who are corrupt to the core and who cannot be saved. He will give their flesh to Satan, and in a few cases, terminate their flesh. Those who are left will continue to follow and experience dealing and pruning. If while they follow they still cannot accept dealing and pruning and they become more and more degenerate, then these people will have lost their chance for salvation. Each and every person who has accepted the conquering of words will have ample opportunity for salvation. God’s salvation of each one of these people shows them His utmost leniency, meaning that they are showed the utmost tolerance. So long as people turn back from the wrong path, so long as they can repent, then God will give them the opportunity to obtain His salvation. When people first rebel against God, God has no desire to put them to death, but instead does all He can to save them. If someone really has no room for salvation, then God will cast them aside. That God is slow to punish someone is because He wants to save all those who can be saved. He judges, enlightens and guides people only with words, and does not use a rod to put them to death. Using words to save people is the purpose and significance of the final stage of work.

from “You Should Put Aside the Blessings of Status and Understand God’s Will for the Salvation of Man” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Many are those who oppose God, and among those many men, there exist various kinds of opposition against God. As there are all manner of believers, so too are there all manner of those who oppose God, each unlike the other. Not one of those who do not clearly recognize the purpose of God’s work can be saved. Regardless of how man may have opposed God in the past, when man comes to understand the purpose of God’s work and dedicates his efforts to satisfying God, his former sins shall be wiped away clean by God. As long as man seeks the truth and practices the truth, God will not keep in mind what he has done. Rather, it is on the basis of man’s practice of the truth that God justifies man. This is the righteousness of God. Before man has seen God or experienced His work, regardless of how man acts toward God, He does not keep it in mind. However, once man has seen God and experienced His work, all deeds and actions of man are written down in the “annals” by God, for man has seen God and lived within His work.

When man has truly seen what God has and is, seen His supremacy, and truly come to know the work of God, and furthermore, when the former disposition of man is changed, then man will have completely cast away his rebellious disposition that opposes God. It can be said that every man has once opposed God and every man has once rebelled against God. However, if you are purposeful in obeying the incarnate God, and thenceforth satisfy God’s heart with your loyalty, practice the truth that you ought, perform your duty as you ought, and keep the regulations that you ought, then you are one who is willing to cast aside your rebelliousness to satisfy God and one who can be perfected by God. Should you refuse to realize your errors and have no heart of repentance; should you persist in your rebellious ways and have not at all a heart to work with God and satisfy God, then such an obstinate fool as you will certainly be punished and shall never be one to be perfected by God. If such, you are the enemy of God this day and tomorrow, and so too will you remain the enemy of God the day after; you will forever be an opponent of God and the enemy of God. How could God let you off?

from “All Who Do Not Know God Are Those Who Oppose God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

God did not come this time to strike people down, but rather to save people to the greatest extent possible. Who is entirely free from errors? If everyone is struck down, then how could it be called salvation? Some transgressions are done on purpose and other transgressions are done involuntarily. With involuntary matters, you can change after you recognize them, so would God strike you down before you change? Is this how God saves people? It is not like that! Regardless of whether you transgress involuntarily or out of a rebellious nature, just remember: Hurry and wake up to reality! Press onward; no matter what situation arises, you must press onward. God is working to save people and He will not randomly strike the people He wants to save. Regardless of your degree of transformation, even if God struck you down in the end, then God would certainly do it in righteousness; when that time comes, He will let you understand it. Right now your only responsibility is to press onward, seek a transformation and seek to satisfy God; you should only care about fulfilling your duty according to God’s will. There is no mistake in this! Ultimately, no matter how God treats you, it is always done in righteousness; you should not doubt this or worry about it; even if you can’t understand God’s righteousness right now, there will be a day when you will be convinced. God is certainly not like a government official or the king of devils! If you carefully try to understand this aspect, then you will eventually firmly believe that God’s work is saving people and transforming people’s dispositions. Since it is the work of transforming people’s dispositions, if people don’t reveal their dispositions, then nothing can be done and there will be no results. But after you have revealed your disposition, continuing on will be troublesome, it will offend the administrative decrees and offend God. God will inflict different degrees of retribution, and you will pay the price for your transgressions. …

It has been mentioned before: Events of the past can be written off by the stroke of a pen; the future can be used to replace the past; God’s tolerance is boundless. But these words do have principle in them; it is not the case that no matter how big of a sin you have committed in the end, God can write it off in one stroke; all the work of God has principle. In the past there was this kind of administrative decree: He who committed a certain sin before accepting God’s name, let him join in; if he commits that sin again after entering in, deal with him in a certain way; if he commits that sin repeatedly, then expel him. God has always forgiven people to the greatest extent possible in His work; from this standpoint, it can be seen that this work is truly the work of saving people.

from “God’s Will Is to Save People to the Greatest Extent Possible” in Records of Christ’s Talks

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