Showing posts with label the Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Holy Spirit. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sharing in Spiritual Devotion: Christians Must Not Neglect to Attend Gatherings (Audio Essay)

Hello brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,

I get very tired from working during the day, and I do not sleep very well at night. As a result, I am not willing to make it to gatherings on time. I do not like to be restricted. I feel that if I have spiritual needs, as long as I look for my brothers and sisters to chat during those times, it should be fine. I wonder what the cause of this issue is. How should I resolve this?

Thursday, March 7, 2019

III. On the Truth of the Incarnation

1. God’s saving of man is not done directly using the method of the Spirit and the identity of the Spirit, for His Spirit can neither be touched nor seen by man, neither can man draw near.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Feeling Spiritually Dry and Far From God?- Analysis of Condition of Church

 October 9, 2018
By Zhengdao, Germany

One morning, when I sat reading the Bible at the window, I saw these verses: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Beware of the Pharisees’ Leaven on the Path to the Heavenly Kingdom

February 19, 2019
By Kemu, Myanmar

Editor’s Note: Two thousand years ago the Jewish commoners didn’t beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and were deceived by their heretical fallacies, and  thus followed them in resisting the Lord Jesus, losing God’s salvation and receiving God’s punishment.

Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of God

The Church of Almighty God |Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of...