Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hot Debate on the Mystery of Descending of the Son of Man

Bible Study|Hot Debate on the Mystery of Descending of the Son of Man
January 28, 2018 Leave a comment

Many Christians are hoping for the Lord Jesus to descend on a cloud and take them up into the kingdom of heaven. When studying the Bible carefully, we can find there are many prophecies about the Lord’s descent.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Christian Variety Show | "Surveillance" (Crosstalk) | The CCP Uses High Tech to Violate Human Rights

The Church of Almighty God|Christian Variety Show | "Surveillance" (Crosstalk) | The CCP Uses High Tech to Violate Human Rights
Since the CCP took power, it has always attacked dissidents and persecuted religious faith.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

68. Why does the Lord’s return involve Him becoming flesh as the Son of man to reveal Himself to mankind?

Gospel Books|68. Why does the Lord’s return involve Him becoming flesh as the Son of man to reveal Himself to mankind?
The Answer from God’s Word:

God became flesh because the object of His work is not the spirit of Satan, or any incorporeal thing, but man, who is of the flesh and has been corrupted by Satan.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Why Do You Believe in God? – Spiritual Growth

Devotionals|Why Do You Believe in God? – Spiritual Growth
Liu Yan

I have believed in the Lord for so many years. However, when someone asked me, “For what purpose do you believe in God?” For a moment, I didn’t know exactly what to answer. About this question, I had ever asked my brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Mystery Revealed: Does the Trinity Really Exist?

Christian Testimonies|Mystery Revealed: Does the Trinity Really Exist?
By Jia’nan, France

Since I believed in the Lord, I have looked forward to His coming again to bring us to the kingdom of heaven at every moment for He ever said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:3).

Friday, September 21, 2018

Seven Major Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming

Bible Prophecy|Seven Major Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming
September 19, 2017 Leave a comment
By Zheng Xun

Now, it is the end of the last days. Many brothers and sisters, who truly believe in the Lord and wait for Him coming back, must have such questions: The Lord Jesus has said, “And, behold, I come quickly” (Revelation 22:12). He has promised us to return. Has He come back yet? How can we know whether He has returned or not?

How to Welcome the Lord’s Return? Listen to the Utterances of the Holy Spirit

How to Welcome the Lord’s Return? Listen to the Utterances of the Holy Spirit
June 21, 2018 Leave a comment
By Zheng Yan

Now is already the last days, and also the key time for welcoming the Lord’s return. Speaking of welcoming the Lord, many brothers and sisters know that it’s an important thing that pertains to whether or not we can be brought into the kingdom of heaven. Once we miss the chance, we shall regret for the rest of our lives.

Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of God

The Church of Almighty God |Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of...